Earlier this week there were reports from public documents that the mayor used a fictitious name on transfer documents.
Now there’s reports that the mayor’s husband is working to have himself declared executor of a business partner’s will.The business partner died almost a year ago. The Hope Mills PD ruled it a suicide.
But there are a lot of other questions people have been asking in the year since. According to government documents, police didn’t find the victim’s body until they were alerted by the victim’s business partner (following this?), but they are listed as contacts as if they did.And the actual people who “found the body” slinked into the woodwork and the court documentations.
And then, there’s this…how do you attest that someone renounced their right to claim administrative responsibilities for a relative’s estate…..without contacting any of the relatives?
And what do you do when investigators say they contacted the next of kin specifically, but there’s only one next of kin, and they weren’t contacted?
This reads a lot like the shadyness that went on when Walmart first wanted to build their new store….and “nobody” could find a relative of anyone buried in the cemetery there to get their permission….because nobody asked or looked that hard. It didn’t even take 20 minutes of non-billed research time.
And actually it also reads a lot like the mayor’s ghost name on the other document. No one can find someone given a name that they don’t use…but if they cared one whit to find them, they would contact them even if it required looking for them in person, or under their actual name. It’s like they just set things up for plausible deniability later, but it’s only flimsy dishonesty and shucking and jiving while they do what they want in the background.

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