This rezoning isn’t going to drag out forever. That’s why it requires action and sharing opinions now. It’s probably not gonna drag out as long as it should. It will have some hocus-pocus thrown over it at the next Board of Commissioners’ meeting, and it will be fast-tracked into a vote. Forgiveness will be asked for, rather than permission, but by then it will be “sorry, it’s too late to change it.”
A “smaller upscale” version of Walmart shouldn’t be at the corner of Legion Rd. and NC162, with all the entrances on Legion Rd., the proximity to “two” Supercenters (I put that in quotes because one of the two Supercenters won’t last long in that situation) and all the other proposed changes that would only start a domino effect. This has to be the point where citizens stop the spread, and the point where the long-term good of the town outweighs the short-term money Walmart will throw (or has thrown) around to a few.
If you are against rezoning the proposed site to allow for a Walmart, sign
the petition at this link.
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